And From The “Wait, What?” File…

And From The “Wait, What?” File…

I don’t even know what to make of this. Duke Nukem Forever. Shown at PAX. My brain just can’t comprehend this.Yes, that’s right. The game that has been through three Presidents, possibly four. The game that an entire generation of gamers have known as, “lol Duke Nukem Forever apt name lol!” That game. Its at PAX. Man, what?

Kotaku posted that. That makes me believe it. I wouldn’t have otherwise. I dunno man. I can’t think right now. I have to prepare for a ski trip. You see, Hell has apparently frozen over, and those damned slopes be a’callin’ me. I shall travel there on Flying Pig Airlines. Their slogan? “This can’t really be happening…can it?”


Oh man oh man, the Duke news just keeps rolling in! Going to Kotaku again, Duke Nukem Forever is going to be completed by Gearbox Entertainment, they who created the awesome Borderlands. Gearbox had to come in after 3D Realms, as you remember, died and burst into flames. Wanna know what’s even crazier? Its expected out this year. The mind, it boggles. Today I woke up in a world where Duke Nukem Forever existed in this nebulous cloud of doubt and ridicule. Now what do I make of our universe? When things like this can happen, when Duke Nukem Forever can actually come out, what must I think of our existence?

I feel I must post this now, as this needs to be posted in every single Duke Nukem Forever article ever. This is what we’re dealing with here people. The paper has yellowed. It is being released soon, possibly this year. Repent, for the end has come.

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