Four More Voices In DC Universe Online

Four More Voices In DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online, one of the most anticipated games of next year, has just gotten a whole lot more awesome. Wait until you see who they’ve got voicing some of the characters.

First off, we’ve got Harley Quinn playing Harley Quinn. By which I mean that Arlene Sorkin, the woman who first brought Joker’s unbalanced girlfriend to life on Batman: The Animated Series, is back to play her again. That news fantastic enough for you? No? I thought not. So try on some Wil Wheaton as Robin. Wheaton of course starred as Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Yes, he knows you probably thought Wesley was annoying. He has good humor about that. That’s why he’s perfect for Robin. Oh, I’m sorry. You’re still not satiated? Well how about if I say that Corey Burton is playing Brainiac? Is that good? You bet it is. Not only did Burton play Brainiac in Superman: The Animated Series, but he also played one of the best Transformers villains ever. Shockwave is Brainiac. That just makes so much damn sense! I’m so excited, I’m giving you one more voice. No no, don’t thank me. Just take your Dwight Schultz as Flash and be happy about it. Schultz is most famous for being Howlin’ Mad Murdock in the old A-Team show as well as being Reg Barclay in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Yeah, going back to the Star Trek well. Oh, and he also played Mung Daal on Chowder, making him one of the most awesome human beings on the planet.

So, show of hands. Who is excited for DC Universe Online now? Yes? All of you? Good. You should be. It comes out early 2011.

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