Anarchy Reigns Character Bio: Zero

Anarchy Reigns Character Bio: Zero

A new look at Anarchy Reigns was released today, joining the previously released screenshots and the trailer that did nothing more than tease us with glimpses of the characters (I wonder if that’s why they call it a teaser?). Witness the first, of hopefully many more to come, character bio for Anarchy Reigns: Zero!

Zero is a 26 year old human male with a predilection for swordplay. Standing at 6’5″ and 335 lbs (1.97 meters and 152 kg for you metrics out there), Zero cuts an imposing physical presence. He’s got more at his disposal than his deadly good looks, though. He wields a pair of Japanese katana, sheathed on his back. These are not any katana, however. Onimaru and Juzumaru, rumored to be part of the mythical “Tenka Goken,” are, as they say, a ninja’s best friends.

Taking a deeper look at the names of his swords and the mythical set they are rumored to belong to may shed some interesting light on Zero’s character and personality. Onimaru and Juzumaru both have religious connotations. “Oni” means “demon,” while “Juzu” refers to the prayer beads found in Zen Buddhism. We then look into their mythical association with the “Tenka Goken.” “Tenka” can mean “Descent from Heaven,” while “Goken” can mean “protecting the constitution.” In a game called “Anarchy Reigns,” a character wielding a demon and Buddhist prayer beads that were descended from heaven to protect the constitution (which can be taken to mean something more than just a piece of paper), it’s easy to think that Zero will be a more authoritarian figure; I doubt we’ll see him cracking many jokes.


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