Marooners’ Talk: Episode 014 – “Something About Used Games and Online Passes”

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 014 – “Something About Used Games and Online Passes”

So another week, another episode! Looks like we’re making good on the weekly return so far. Today’s episode of Marooners’ Talk, titled “Something About Used Games and Online Passes,” spends a considerable amount of time talking about the backwards compatibility choices of the Xbox 360 in regard to one title in particular: Barbie Horse Adventures. Er…sorry, that was the pre-podcast discussion, my mistake. Episode 014 focuses on used games and online passes, which was instigated by the Microsoft rumors and Kingdoms of Amalur pass.

As always, you can listen instantly below or subscribe on iTunes or Zune and listen on the go! So, you know, do that. Or not. Whatever. Jerk.

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