Peter Parker

The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer Arrives!

In the words of the 60’s cartoon of Spidey, “WALLOPING WEBSNAPPERS!”

Review: Spider-Man: Edge of Time (PS3)

After last year’s Spidey game, Shattered Dimensions, Activision has decided to let Beenox become the official dev team for their games starring Marvel’s famed webslinger. So, does this game prove the choice as a good one?

13 Pieces of Geek Media to Make You Proud to Be An American

I am a patriotic man at heart. I love this country I live in. Despite all its blemishes and past mistakes…hell, even some of its current mistakes…I think America is the greatest nation on Earth, created by taking in the best people on Earth. And on July fourth, we celebrate everything in America that is good and pure and explode-able in the most spectacular and flashy way possible. And...[Read More]

George Takei for Spider-Man?

I love George Takei. Not only is he a legend, but he is absolutely hilarious. Regardless if you agree with his lifestyle choices or not (go George!), you really can’t deny the impact he has had on geek culture. While he will forever be remembered for his role in the original Star Trek as Hikaru Sulu, it appears as if George is wanting to take on a role where he can be a webslinger.

The 2010 Video Game Awards

In case you missed Spike TV’s 2010 Video Game Awards, we’ve got you covered! Check out everything that happened!

One Moment in Time

So here’s this image…

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