Super Mario Galaxy 2

Best & Worst Video Games for 2010

It’s officially 2011, so it’s time to recap and present to you all our choices for the best and worst video games that came out in 2010. We’ve all been working on this for months, changing some of our choices as new games came out, but what you see below is what we’ve all finally settled on.

The 2010 Video Game Awards

In case you missed Spike TV’s 2010 Video Game Awards, we’ve got you covered! Check out everything that happened!

Happy 25th Anniversary, Mario!

Mario Mario is one of the most recognizable characters in video game history.  Of course, after 25 years of working the pipes, it would be terribly disappointing for him if he wasn’t at the top of the game.  Though he started off closer to 30 years ago by the name of “Jumpman” in the Donkey Kong arcade game, his real claim to fame started in 1985 when Super Mario Bros. was releas...[Read More]

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